Texas typically ranks first in the nation for having the largest number of truck-related fatalities year after year, according to research done by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. In Dallas, catastrophic crashes frequently happen, and thousands of motorists suffer injuries as a result of truck accidents.
If an 18-wheeler or other commercial vehicle has caused a major accident in which you or someone you care about was injured, you may be wondering how to begin the process of holding the at-fault parties accountable. In Texas, victims and their families only have a limited amount of time to file a claim, so it’s crucial to act quickly and consult with an attorney.

Dallas, Texas, truck accidents: common causes
Despite the fact that truck drivers are legally required to follow a number of regulations, the size and weight differences between commercial trucks and passenger vehicles unquestionably contribute to the severity of these crashes. The majority of commercial trucks can be difficult to manoeuvre on the road due to their size and weight.
In order to reduce any dangers that could result in an accident, truck drivers are encouraged to maintain a specific level of safety and care, both on and off the road. Some of the most frequent reasons for truck accidents in Dallas, Texas, include:
traffic infractions
driving while distracted (such as using a GPS, texting, talking on the phone, watching videos, etc.)
driving a commercial vehicle after the allotted number of hours driving after supper
drunk driving
inexperienced commercial truck driver
lack of knowledge about safe truck handling techniques
Trucks Often Cause the Most Damage in a Crash

Due to their size, average 18-wheelers on the road have the potential to severely damage other passenger cars in an accident. Even the most sophisticated safety systems and cautious commuter driving practises can offer little protection from an accident encountering a truck, even if a commercial truck is protected by the frame of their cabs.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, heavy trucks account for 13% of all traffic fatalities despite making up just 4% of all cars on the road. One-on-one collisions happen more frequently, despite the fact that they are also more prone to result in multi-car pileups. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Commission, 97% of people who pass away in car accidents involving heavy trucks are passengers. The forces generated when a truck collides with a car are usually lethal or leave most victims permanently injured.
Trucks are thought to be responsible for 13% of traffic fatalities, but just 6% of accident injuries. According to studies, 74% of injuries and 82% of fatalities that come from accidents involving trucks are suffered by the occupants of the passenger vehicle. As a result, crashes involving commercial trucks and vehicles are more likely to endanger other drivers on the road.
Dallas Truck Accident Attorney
It is more difficult to manage the complexity of liability when victims and their families must deal with shipping and transportation firms, insurance claims, and manufacturers. The legal claims procedure can be made simpler for victims who are recovering from their accident-related injuries by a skilled truck accident attorney in Dallas, Texas.
How Much Time Does a Dallas Truck Accident Litigation Take?

According to statistics, the number of fatal vehicle accidents has climbed by 16% since 2016, and more families are deciding to file lawsuits. In Dallas, you have two years from the date of the collision to file a claim after a truck accident. But, there are a number of factors that might affect how long it takes to prosecute a truck accident lawsuit in Dallas.
If a victim decides to file a claim, there are a number of stages that might be streamlined with the help of an experienced truck accident attorney. The discovery procedure is the next phase of a truck accident claim in Dallas after the decision to retain counsel and entails an inquiry into the crash. Depending on how complicated the accident was, discovery may take weeks or even months.
Negotiations, which may involve a neutral third party to facilitate mediation, come after the discovery phase. A lawsuit may require more time to be handled if it goes to trial rather than being settled through mediation.